Ginny A. Browne
Attorney - Mediator
Family law & divorce mediation
Due to concerns arising from the Covid-19 virus, our mediation can now be conducted via virtual conferencing with Zoom or Apple Facetime. Please email ginny@ginnybrownelaw for more information.
A successful family law/divorce Mediation provides couples with a way to dissolve their relationship with dignity. Among the many advantages of Mediation is that it avoids the high cost of litigation, saves time and energy, preserves family relationships and protects children from destructive conflicts. Mutual respect is fundamental to Mediation. You may cease being spouses, but you never cease being worthy human beings. When respect is given and received, discussions are likely to be more productive and an agreement reached more easily. Moreover, an honest exchange of information and full transparency are essential for Mediation be successful.

"Empowering People to Find Creative Solutions to Their Family Law Issues"
Call the Law Office of Ginny A. Browne
About Ginny
Ginny has been a family law lawyer for nearly thirty years, handling thousands of contested trials and hearings involving child custody, support and property issues. She knows first hand how unmanaged anger and emotions and the resulting lack of respectful communication can cause a family law case to spin out of control. This produces increased unnecessary attorney fees and permanently damaged relationships, all of which could have been avoided had the parties engaged in Mediation or Collaborative Practice.
Ginny has successfully completed Mediation and Collaborative Practice training and she has been providing mediation services for more than 15 years. She is a highly experienced, skilled and knowledgeable family law mediator with a passion for helping people reach informed and fair agreements. With her decades of experience practicing family law and divorce, Ginny offers her clients a serene environment where they can confidentially discuss issues important to them to find a durable, satisfying and fair solution to their issues.
Raised in San Luis Obispo County, Ginny obtained her BA from the University of California, Berkeley and her law degree from the University of San Francisco. She is a member of the San Luis Obispo County Bar Association, San Luis Obispo County Family Law Bar Association, and the Women Lawyers Association.